Manual – YBCA

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Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) is one of the nation’s most innovative contemporary art centers that expands and extends what an art center can be. Founded in 1993 as the cultural anchor of the Yerba Buena Gardens development, they serve the diverse and ever-evolving community that surrounds them. From their leading edge exhibitions, performances, and films, to their groundbreaking civic initiatives and community partnerships, YBCA is where creativity, people, and new ideas collide. Their mission is to generate culture that moves people, because they believe it’s the responsibility of arts organizations to spur and support major societal movements.

While YBCA is a new kind of art center, whose work spans the realms of art, civic engagement and public life, much of the San Francisco community knew them only as a venue or host for performances and events. There was a general lack of awareness around their vision and dedication to redefining what an art center can and should be, and this was at the core of the creative challenge we were asked to help solve through creating a new identity and communications strategy.

The visual identity and communications were brought to life across all touch-points including signage, exhibition graphics, brochures, posters, outdoor advertising, identity guidelines, and a new website created in partnership with Bureau for Visual Affairs. Designed by Manual.

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